Vaper's Tongue and How to Restart Your Taste Buds!
Posted by Violet Vapor on 5th Jun 2019
Have you noticed your e-liquid isn't as flavorful as it used to be or you might not be able to taste it at all? You might have a case of Vaper's Tongue. How did this happen? How can I fix it? Here at Violet Vapor, we've been vaping for quite a while and we have the answers and solutions to restart your taste buds!
What is Vaper's Tongue?
Your tongue is covered in up to 10,000 highly sensitive taste buds that are designed to taste flavors from sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. These little guys work pretty hard already and sometimes can get overwhelmed from the consistent stream of intense flavors coming from your vape. Which is why Vaper's Tongue can also be called Palate Fatigue. This condition is also related to your sense of smell which is called Olfactory Fatigue. Since these two senses are so closely linked, your brain can sometimes get the messages crossed and decide that you are doing too much!
This fatigue can be caused by many factors, most of which aren't even related to vaping. Maybe you went a little hard on the spicy salsa, spicy foods can really shock your taste buds! As the weather is getting a bit hotter, you've skipped drinking all of your 8 glasses of water a day and your mouth may be dry. You could be a little stressed out right now, maybe you've started a new medication or you might be coming down with a cold. All of these reasons could effect your sense of taste and smell.
If all is well and no outside factors are effecting you, it could be your vape. Your taste buds may have gotten used to you vaping the same flavor for a longer period of time. While some of us are very picky with our flavors, your tongue might be a little tired of the same old flavor. Don't worry though, we have a few options to help restart your taste buds!
Tips and Tricks to Wake Up Your Taste Buds!
1. Grab a big ol' glass of H2O! Your tastebuds can get dehydrated too! This is the leading reason why Vaper's Tongue can happen. Water will help clear your palate and give your tongue a liquid boost.
2. Get a whiff of some fresh coffee beans! There is nothing better than opening a fresh bag of coffee and making a fresh cup in the morning. Besides giving you a bit of the "get up and go", it tickles your nose and resets your brain, which can perk up your taste buds. This is a trick that is also used by perfume testers and wine samplers around the world.
3. Lick a lemon! We know it might be a bit sour, but your taste buds will welcome the surprise!
4. Brush or scrape your tongue and give a swish with a bit of mouthwash. Not only will you be minty fresh, you can remove anything that may be coating your taste buds and hindering them from getting that great flavor from your vape!
5. Change your coil or adjust your wattage/temperature. An old coil can effect the flavor of your ejuice and greatly reduce your vaping experience. Also, adjusting your wattage or temperature can also change how your vape tastes. Some flavors may become more apparent at different levels. You might even find a new love for a flavor you may not have cared for before! You might also want to try to adjust your airflow on your tank to bring in a little less air to amp up the flavors in your e-liquid.
6. Steep your e-liquid! Steeping is the process that enables your flavors to bloom in the e-liquid. A freshly made bottle will not taste the same as one that has been sitting for a few days. Steeping can help bring the flavors out, but inversely, if it is direct light or heat for too long, your e-liquid can also lose some of it's delicious flavor. If you are questioning your juice, stop by one of our store locations and ask one of our friendly associates for advise. We would be happy to help!
7. Take a break from your current e-liquid or try a stronger flavor! Your mouth might just need a breather from your favorite ejuice. We have plenty to choose from from our 60/40 House Blend, High VG House Blend or our Premiums! We even have several coffee flavored blends so you can give your nose a treat as well! If your tongue is just plain tired of all of them, try out our Nude flavor from our 60/40 blend (add some extra Vegetable Glycerin to make it High VG). This blend is made with no additional flavorings specifically for Vaper's Tongue!
If all else fails, you may just need to wait it out. It may be possible that you are being affected by allergies or a cold that is effecting your nose which will greatly effect your ability to taste. Your mouth may just need to take a vacation to start fresh. Your taste buds regenerate themselves about every two weeks. It may be hard to go a few days without the taste of your favorite flavor, but this is something that virtually all Vaper's go through at one time or another.
Be patient, your taste buds will thank you!
-Your Friends at Violet Vapor